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Is Your Friendship And Relationship getting messed up? How To Balance Friendship And Relationship?

Is Your Friendship And Relationship getting messed up? How To Balance Friendship And Relationship?

     Usually when we enter in a new relationship, most of the time unintentionally the relationship gets more importance since we have the feeling of butterflies in our stomach when we talk to that special one. Although giving time to our significant other is  necessary, spending time with our friends is also equally important because they are the ones who will always be there for us whether we're in a relationship or not.
So, now the question is  how to balance friendship and relationship?
Why not divide days? We can divide our days for giving equal time to both of them. Half of the days give more time to our lover and the other half, to our friends. And if we're working on the weekdays then what we can do is, we can spend Saturdays with our lover and Sundays with our friends.
When we chat with our lover at that time we can avoid talking to others. Let them know that we're talking to our lover and will text/call them in a while. Make it a point to don't make them wait too long. They might just feel that now that we're in a relationship, so we have forgotten them. And when we are going to spend a day with our friend at that time we can tell our lover that we're with our friend and we are spending time with each other, and inform your lover that will text him/her later.

     We can balance your friendship and relationship. When we will know the difference in both of them. Friendship is part of our life but a good relationship can be our life. Love and friendship both are equally important. Both things having a awesome relationship bond and feelings too. Friendship and love both gives us lots of things, fearless feeling, trust, support. Being in love with each other doesn't mean you have to be lovers, sometimes you just have to be friends. The world revolves round Love. Its love that keeps us motivated for success, and reason to do our karma's. Mothers love nurtures, fathers love gives security. Friends are integral part of puberty and helps social growth and development. We just need to understand this difference and also we have to make time for both of them. If you give so much time to our friends our relationship will start to collapse and if we give so much time to our relationship then we will lost your friendship. We just need to understand our priorities and give time to people near us. It is not so difficult to make balance in our life.
We should keep it simple straight forward & honest, we can introduce our friends to our partner & our partner to them. Make sure they know each other & meet up casually at times. This doesn't make our partner feel uncomfortable/insecure when we hang out/spend time with them. Give each of them their own space in our life so that nothing gets messed up.
     In my case, my partner knows all my friends in name at-least if not personally & I also know most of his friends. The most common thing that we require to prevent any types of problem is trust, care and love. We have to give them our time. It’s up to us how we decide to provide our valuable time. We have to prevent the clashing of both by isolating them. While dating with our lover we should dedicate our time to our lover, at that time we should not talk over phone for too long with friends while we are committed to give time to our lover. And while talking over phone don't get separated from your lover for talking in personal. Don't show any kind of secrecy. This can affect a lot in our relationship.
     Remember to not to give higher priority to any of these one as predefined in your mind. I am sure we can easily manage with our maturity. If our ever were put in dilemma then just view that problem as a third party and we will get to know the answer to your queries.

     One of the most important pieces of advice I have gotten from my experience is how to have a healthy relationship. One of my biggest mistakes in high school was having my life revolve around my boyfriend. A lost a lot of friends during that time because I was at my boyfriend’s beck and call. Although the relationship lasted a few years, it wasn’t forever. I would have liked to get my friends back, but most people will not be willing to come back into my life after I ignored them for someone else. I learned a lot from that mistake, and this constantly remind me to try and keep balance between the people in my life.
     There is a huge rush of excitement in a new relationship, and it can be quite overwhelming. It’s hard not to want to do everything you can to make that person happy and to get to know him or her as best as you can. But you must remember that friends need just as much love and attention. If all focus shifts to one person, you risk losing the friends that have been there for you through everything. It’s easy to get carried away with the relationship and devote all your time to it, but if you just put yourself in your friends shoes and imagine how you would feel if you were suddenly pushed aside and constantly cancelled on, it should help you put equal effort into your friendships and relationship.


     Love and friendship are two sides of the same time. Where there is friendship there is love. Love nurtures us to fill our emotional needs and friendship gives us identity respect and social maturity. it teaches us to give selflessly and stand by someone’s bad times. Love makes people live longer, buffers our ego and sense of belonging and gives us reason for growth development and adds colours to life. People who have no friends have host of physical and emotional problems. Even psychosomatic disorders and depression is more in asocial people. people who remain isolated form loved ones and friends and are having a poor social support system are victims of major mental disorders.
     Thus friendship and love are two integral pillars of growth, relationship and success and both are equally important in our lives.
     Always remember…Love is the world’s life line. Without love we humans would not have evolved, we would have the way we were. Love is the basis of everything.In a friendship there is love. Love is the most important aspect of human nature

  • Love is perched on top of all relationships… Friendship balances itself precariously in the second slot.
  • Friendship over a period of time may turn into love, but love turning to friendship is a loser’s last and final attempt to keep sanity alive which never happens. They lose both love and friendship.
  • Love comes with 1% positive and 99% negativity. Friendship - reverse the percentage. Then why is love more sought after??? The equation is the same as the word SUCCESS (1% people enjoy this).
Dreams of friendship are for the common man… Dreams of Love are for the Kings who dare to chase the impossible.

 Love while sunset

     Love is something worth dying for…
     Friendship is worth living for…
     The preference should be a better person and what we feel from them. Love and friendship two very different thing.
     Friendship depends upon the person he is, his nature, his care towards you and the same qualities and likes of you both. There is choice in friendship. First you were childhood friends, then school friends, collage friends and then co-worker. But friendship is a relation you can have with everyone, your parents, bro’s and sis, with better half or son.
     Love is a feeling not a choice. Love is the pure, immortal feel . There is a thin line between love and like, which make sometimes confused. But all answer can be reached by yourself if you stay true to yourself. Whether it is love or friendship, with all your heart and respect, maintain it.
     To be honest these are different yet mixed relationship in a way.We can't say that friendship is better or love because it totally depends on how a person is devoted to particular relation.Love always demands friendship. If you don't even know a person and feel as a friend, the love will always be incomplete. Whereas when you are friend with someone a loving caring feeling will always be there.

    So both go hand in hand. Beautiful relations are both of them. Cherish it, live it but don't compare it. Both play a very important part of one's life. 

     My personal opinion is, I’ll prefer love over friendship. Yes, I’ll explain this. Because my best friend is my lover only. I hardly share things with others and when i do it is someone special. This special person can be my Love as well my Best friend. However, I personally feel we fall in love with a person who is very close to us or we can call him our best friend as well. You’ll always find a friend in your Love. So as far as you trust your partner, love your partner, you don’t need anyone else.


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