Serious Relationship problems signs Good relationships run smoothly and enable you to enjoy your life, work, and activities beyond the relationship. You’re not always worrying or talking about it. Like a smooth-running car, you don’t have to keep repairing it. You may have disagreements and get angry, but you still have goodwill toward one another, talk things over, resolve conflicts, and return to a loving, enjoyable state. Cars do need maintenance, however. Take care of it, and it performs better. Relationships also take time and effort to maintain an intimate connection. This happens naturally in the initial romantic stage when you want to get to know your partner, spend time together, have frequent sex, and are more open and flexible. You’re less willing to compromise and may want less intimacy. Even if you don’t actually argue, you may return to the same emotional state you were in before you met — or worse — and wonder where your love went or whether your part...
Valentine's Day The season of love is coming and one could feel its essence in the air. Love is an indescribable feeling that combines two hearts together for a lifetime. Though it exists in every relationship, the love between a couple has a number of distinct flavours that make it worthy of some special celebration. That’s exactly why we have Valentine's Day – a day to express love, no holds barred. Why is Valentine's Day Celebrated? The day is celebrated in the honour of the great Saint Valentine. At that time, the king of Rome had forbid his soldiers from the “right to love” and “right to marriage”. It was Saint Valentine who revolted against the restraint. Slowly and steadily his message of love and hope spread far and war, and the world started celebrating Valentine's Day as “the day of love”, on 14th of February every year. Why is Valentine's Day Gifts important? On this day, every couple wants to express their love, while singles get an oppor...